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2023 IEEE Annual Report

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Collaborating on Climate Change

IEEE brings together members and volunteers from around the world to drive discussions that help advance technology for the benefit of humanity.  The IEEE community worked together to explore ways to mitigate the effects of climate change and help build a more sustainable future.

Leading The Conversa

Leading the Conversation

With the diverse expertise of its members, volunteers and staff, IEEE serves an important role of enabling collaboration between technology and engineering professionals, policymakers and other organizations to foster a dialogue on sustainable energy policies and practices.

IEEE Shares Commitment to Climate Change Efforts at COP28

2023 IEEE President Saifur Rahman led an IEEE delegation at the 28th Conference of Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Through a number of panel discussions, IEEE shared insights about initiatives across the organization, and how technology plays a key role in helping shape the global energy landscape and in tackling climate change challenges.
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IEEE President Saifur Rahman speaking at COP28.

Organizations that IEEE Collaborated with on Climate Change

  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers
  • American Society of Civil Engineers
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • American Society of Mining Engineers
  • Chinese Society of Electrical Engineers
  • Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
  • European Union Commission for Energy and Environment
  • Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
  • Institute of Electrical and Telecommunication Engineers – IETE (India)
  • International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
  • Korean Society of Electrical Engineers
  • Rotary International
  • Royal Society of Engineering (UK)
  • South African Institute of Electrical Engineers – SAIEE
  • US National Academy of Engineering
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Collaborating Partners
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The IEEE Technology Center for Climate, based in the IEEE Vienna Global Office, was established in July 2023 to support partnerships, collaboration and knowledge sharing with leading institutions as they explore and implement technology to address climate change. One of its inaugural activities was teaming up with Reuters to produce four webinars featuring IEEE member insights on electrification, frontier tech for climate, green digital and workforce for a sustainable future.

jyotika athavale speaker
Jyotika Athavale, 2023 President-Elect IEEE Computer Society, discussing how we can balance the benefits of frontier tech against their carbon footprint.

Thinking Globally, Acting Locally

The impactful work of IEEE volunteers from around the globe took center stage in 2023. This included the development of an IEEE climate change inventory of activities, designed to consolidate and identify opportunities for further collaboration within IEEE and with other organizations. 

At IEEE Sections Congress, which brought together over 1,000 attendees from IEEE Sections across the globe, a Climate Change Pavilion showcased projects being executed locally by Sections, Societies, IEEE Young Professionals and more in support of sustainability efforts. IEEE showcased over 50 climate change stories on how volunteers made an impact. Staff collaborated with volunteers to help shape the stories at the pavilion.

The “Net Zero Warriors” initiative was launched by IEEE President Saifur Rahman during his visit to India in July to motivate and facilitate engineers, young professionals and entrepreneurs to undertake key innovation and technology challenges in energy transition, which can enable decarbonization across the energy spectrum, globally.

The IEEE Climate Change community on IEEE Collabratec® also engaged thousands of IEEE members and non-members in these important discussions.

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Items in the IEEE Climate Change Inventory
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Driving Advancements in Sustainability

IEEE scholarly publications, conference proceedings, technical standards and other materials help foster the exchange of technical knowledge and information for the critical climate issues that our planet faces. 

The IEEE Climate Change Website helped tell the IEEE story. The site also instituted a monthly newsletter to help audiences stay current on the latest articles on clean tech trends featuring insights from IEEE members.
Papers were regularly added to the IEEE Climate Change Collection, which features articles addressing the causes of climate change along with strategies to mitigate and adapt to it.

Inspiring Students

Providing teachers with tools to integrate sustainability themes into their lessons is key to encouraging students to enter into these fields. IEEE TryEngineering, a website featuring a collection of lesson plans and activities, added a section dedicated to climate change resources to make it easier to teach these important topics.
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Graduation Cap
School-aged Students Participated
IEEE TryEngineering Lesson Plans
IEEE TryEngineering Summer Institute students soldering

Setting the Standard

The IEEE Standards Association continued to develop its growing collection of standards for sustainability, climate change and social responsibility solutions. Here are some examples: 

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IEEE 1547
Series of standards covering the interconnection of distributed energy resources with electric power systems
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IEEE 1680.1
Standard for Environmental and Social Responsibility Assessment of Computers and Displays
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IEEE 1801
Standard for Design and Verification of Low-Power, Energy-Aware Electronic Systems
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IEEE 1888
Standard for Ubiquitous Green Community Control Network Protocol
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IEEE P2030.5
Standard for Smart Energy Profile Application Protocol
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IEEE P7802
Standard for Measurement and Verification of Reduction of Green House Gases for Climate Action Projects and Solutions